Administration and InvoicingAdmin - What you'll receive from your Training Manager:Attendance Lists (Anwesenheitslisten):
Length of training:
Please have your students initial the ”Anwesenheitsliste” on the day they attend and also fill in reason of absence. If you have any new students, add their names to the list, but also inform your training manager by email directly.
Training Record (Unterrichtsprotokoll):
An ”Unterrichtsprotokoll” is on the back of every ”Anwesenheitsliste.” Please fill this in regularly, stating briefly the unit number (for book-based courses), any other materials used, contents of your lesson and homework assignments.
Course Info Sheet:
Here you find all important facts and figures about your training. We recommend printing this and having it with you together with your attendance list.
Online questionaire: Course Info-Start
You’ll be asked to provide information about level, needs, goals, material etc. for your course.
Online questionaire: Course Info-End
You’ll be asked to provide information about progress of the learners and evaluate the course.
Invoicing - What we need from you:By the 3rd of each month:
Upload invoice and copies of the attendance lists
With invoice Online (https://trainer.ltc-online.de/invoice.htm)
for more information on how to do your invoice please see (Invoice Tutorial)